The Anderson Farm was built in 1837 and is located on the corner of Dwyer Hill Rd and Franktown Rd. The Farm was recognized as a Century Farm in 1967, having remained in the family since Confederation.
This is the fifth generation of Andersons to live and work on the farm. The operation today is much the same as earlier years except for the advantage of modern machinery.
We specialize in all natural beef and lamb in the Ottawa area. You can come to the farm and buy individual cuts or special order freezer orders to suit your needs.
What does all natural mean? It means we do not use any growth hormones or antibiotics in raising our animals.
We finish our beef and lamb on corn and/or barley. We use grain to finish for the flavour.
Our beef and lamb is still lean with a nice amount of marbling, giving tender, moist and flavourful cuts.
Anderson Farm Receives New Sign Commemorating 175 Years

On Saturday, Nov. 25, 2017 the Goulbourn Township Historical Society presented new commerative signs to the Anderson, Dawson, Hobbs and Kenny families. These four farming families have spent 150 years or more working the land.
The signs were made by Junior Farmers of Ontario (JFO), a group that ran the original century farm signs project in 1967 and again made the commemorative signs this year for sale to farms across the province. In collaboration with JFO’s Quintina Cuddihy, the Goulbourn Township Historical Society purchased the signs, as well as reproductions of the ones made in 1967, for Stittsville’s four 150 year farms.
Pictured at left: Lesley McKay (Goulbourn Township Historical Society) and Quintina Cuddihy (Junior Farmers of Ontario) with the Anderson family. Photo courtesy of the Goulbourn Township Historical Society.

The original sign (above) presented in 1967 has seen better days.
It was replaced with a new “Century Farm” version (top right) to go along with the 125, 150 and now 175 signs.